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During the job interview, you may not get a 2nd chance to make a good first impression, so it is necessary to have a well-prepared and plan for a job interview. It is much easier to increase your chances of landing that dream job. Interview well-preparation is the key to success and a good presentation can give you an edge over others whose credentials might just be better than yours.  

· Practice your answers more. Rehearsing your answer in your mind won't cut it.

· Read and review the job description thoroughly and be sure to align your previous experience, education and skills required for the job.

· Listen very carefully first.

· Speak clearly with confidence.

· While someone else is talking, listen, smile, and nod a lot. It's a sign of respect and that you are listening.

· Show you have well-prepared for the interview by referring to your research about the industry , company and jobs.

· Promote yourself and your skills and qualities. Remember to make your selling clear.

· Ask for clarification of a question if you don’t understand it.

· If you feel nervous about speaking English/Mandarin or any other languages during a job interview. Before the interview, practice more your answers aloud, the easier it will become. And focus on speaking clearly and concisely.

· Never talk negatively about your previous company or present a grim picture to employer.  And always sell your related working experience and specific skill. 

· Think positive and be passionate about the job and company. If you get to the end of an interview and think you'd really like that job, ask for it !  Tell the interviewer that you'd really, really like the job.  Tell them how you were excited about it before the interview and are even more excited now,  and that you're convinced you'd like to work there.

·   Lastly Try to find out the next steps, whether there is another interview or when you can expect a decision.